Eagle Windows Prices | Window Series Costs & Pricing


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Eagle Windows Prices

Eagle windows prices range from $800 to $1100 for a normal size window with installation. They are a well respected company that makes a good solid wood clad window with lots of color options and high end hardware and options. Read reviews on Eagle products and windows.

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Wood Clad Windows

Eagle Windows are actually owned by Andersen windows and their products are sold both on their own site, as well as through Andersen (and referred to as the E-Series). The company specializes in wood clad windows that have aluminum on the exterior and wood on the interior. One of the things that they offer is some 50 exterior frame colors as well as lots of frame finishes, hardware options, grids, screens and glass packages. This is a high end wood clad window that is completely customizable and expensive to boot. They are comparable to the Marvin Ultimate and the Loewen Wood Window. Explore more on Marvin windows prices.

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